Friday, January 23, 2009

Aloha Friday #1

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday.
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link below. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!

Today’s question is:

In what part of the country do you live and why do you like it so much?


Jennifer said...

I live in the far eastern part of the midwest. I am not overly fond of the are, although I love all the trees.

janetfaye said...

I live in NJ and I guess I just got used to living here.

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

I live in Southwestern Ontario Canada. I love it here, although this time of year I often think of greener pastures. (literally) This is home and I would be so homesick if I ever left.

Sarah said...

We live in FL. The weather is nice! (and my husband's family is here, so that is why we are here) I'm from MN....which has amazing summers!

Abby said...

I live in the midwest. I love that people are so friendly. I love my town. It is big enough to have plenty to do and some cultural events, but small enough that you almost always run into someone you know.

I would do without the cold weather!

Heather said...

I live in Northeast Ohio. I love the different seasons. You never know from day to day waht you will wake up to. For instance, today it was around 40 and by tomorrow night, it will be around 1. Yes, 1. I love the small hometown feel that we have without having to be too far from the luxuries of a city.

Amy Clary said...

Midwest-girl here. I love it because it's where most of my family is. :)

Lori said...

I live in Orlando and I like it because of the weather and the calmness of the area

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

That's a super question!

I live in California (Northern) and I like it because of the weather, mostly, and the good restaurants of course! The weather is so nice here, we don't have the radical changes of the seasons that some states have.

What I don't like about CA is that we are becoming a "nanny" state. There are so many rules...UGH

Please check out my Aloha Friday question at:

Tara said...

I live in the Southwest.. and its ok.. just really HOT here.. !!!

Kailani said...

I live in Hawaii and love it! Where else can you get a tan in January? LOL!

An Island Life

CaseyDeuce said...

I'm in the North Eastish area... NY. I love it cause its where all my family is. I always claim that I love all four seasons, but I dont. I hate winter. And then sometimes if its too hot, I hate summer too. I'm never happy!!