Sunday, January 4, 2009

back to work

Well, it's back to work tomorrow for me after 10 weeks off for maternity leave. Even though I was in the hospital for 3 of those weeks! Oh well what can you do.
I go back to work tomorrow but late because Nicholas has his 2 month appointment and then I have to take Wednesday off because Nicholas has his Cardiologist appointment. He has that to make sure everything is progressing normally. I guess at 2 months old that is when all newborn "stuff" should be gone from the heart area and they can really tell if everything is OK!
Sometimes I wish I could be a SAHM but then I think I would be bored. I would waste gas and probably EAT myself to 300lbs.
Well, wish me luck going back to work. Maybe I will have more to write about when I am at work. We will see. And maybe I will get more people to visit my blog IDK.


Lori said...

hope this week goes smoothly for you. I'm sure your kids will be excited to have you back at work

Pam said...

good luck going back to work- the transition back to work for me was always hard. Heck, every year when summer is over and school starts again it is hard for me. I always spend the first week crying. Hopefully it will go more smoothly for you! Good luck with N's doctor appointments too- I'm praying all is well with him!