Tuesday, March 17, 2009

First foods

I finally am getting around to putting up some pictures of Nicholas eating and LOVING his taste of food!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

New adventure

I have embarked on a new adventure. I am going to sell AVON! I used to use their products many years ago and I loved them soooo I have been seeing their advertisement alot about the economy so I called. Here is my website if you would like to order anything or just browse. Please ask me any questions!!! www.youravon.com/mletson

Friday, March 6, 2009

first foods

Today was a big day for Nicholas. He got to start eating solid foods. This morning he had Oatmeal cereal and then a bottle; for lunch he had some sweet potatoes which he absolutely loved my mother said and then a bottle and for dinner he had the rest of the sweet potatoes and he will soon have another bottle and then to bed!!!! Big day for my little guy. I can't believe he is 4 months old now. It is amazing how time flies!!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

My new topper

I finally uploaded the topper that I won from teacher turned mommy Lori's survey! Thanks Lori I love it!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

New pictures

I have been away for a while just continuing to get used to having 2 kids and working full time. It has been hard to find time to even thing about what I want to write. So I have been taking some pictures of the kids and here they are