Thursday, October 30, 2008

Recovery, home soon

Nicholas is doing so much better now. His heart murmur is closing, he is off all medication except for the antibiotics which he will be off on Sunday and I got to hold him today and feed him his first bottle. It was so wonderful to finally get to hold him and feel him in my arms.
He also had a spinal tap to see if the infection was meningitis and all the preliminary test have come back negative. I am soooooo happy he is feeling soooo much better.

I am trying to up load some pictures of Nicholas but the internet at the hospital is too slow. I will have to wait until tomorrow when I go home.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

birth, recovery, NICU

Thank you everyone for your wonderful thoughts, prayers and comments. My little guy was born on Monday at 9:35am. He had a difficult time breathing at first but quickly became stable. I still have not gotten to hold him but that is because I had a c section. He is in the NICU doing pretty good. He needs some medication to keep is blood pressure up and some wires to help get some of the junk out of his lungs, and tummy. He is also on a breathing machine just to help his lungs get a little stronger. Here are a few pictures of Nicholas! We weighed 7lbs 4oz and was 17.5" long, even thought I think he is longer than that.

I am trying to get some pictures up but it is not working right now. I will try again later.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

birth of 2nd child

Well, tomorrow is the day. I need to be in the hospital by 6:00 AM yeah me!!!! Sonia is settled in at Nana's house with Nana, Papa, my sister Jen, her husband Nelson and 2 girls Brittney and Alexis. I am sure Sonia will do fine, it is just her first time sleeping over there and away from us. I'm a little sad but I know that I did not want to wake her up at 5:00am to bring her to my mom's house.
I will try to keep you all posted on how everything is going.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Thank you all for your prayers! We are being optomistic and the Hospital is being great. The Cardiologists have already met and discussed the plan with me. We will be in the NICU for Monday so they can closely monitor him and have his Echo Cardiogram done and if all is well we will go on the regular maternity ward. I will keep you posted as best as I can.

Monday, October 20, 2008

One More Week

Well, one more week and I will meet my new little boy! Can't wait because being this pregnant does not feel very good. I can't sleep at night and one problem is probably because Sonia is sleeping with us because I can't get down on the floor to help her go to sleep in her own bed but OH well you do what you have to do to get through the night I guess.

My C-Section is scheduled for Monday 10/27 at 8:30 am so that means I need to be in the hospital by 6:30am yeah!!!!

Thank goodness for family because Sonia will be sleeping over my parents house maybe the entire week that I am in the hospital; we will see. Rich can only be with me until Wednesday and then he needs to go back to work but that is OK.

Friday, October 17, 2008

baby, hospitals, tests, ultrasounds

Yesterday and today have been STRESSFUL days for m e and Rich. We found out that the baby's heart might have a defect in it yesterday. Today I needed to go to Children's Hospital in Boston to have a Fetal Echo Cardiogram done to see what they saw.
Well they revealed to us that everything seemed to be OK right now. Since I am 38 weeks and term, it was hard to see all aspects of the heart; BUT they did not see what the other ultrasounds techs saw. They thought he might have HypoPlastic Left Heart Sydrome which is a very rare heart disease, so we were thankful for them not finding that.
But, they could not see a very important part of the Aorta so when he is born on the 27th he will need to have an echo cardiogram to see the aorta and if that part of the aorta is defected he will need surgery almost right away. I am soooooo thankful that I live in Boston where there is a level 3 NICU hospital and I am having the baby with a level 2 NICU.
I will let you know what happens if you would like.