Friday, October 17, 2008

baby, hospitals, tests, ultrasounds

Yesterday and today have been STRESSFUL days for m e and Rich. We found out that the baby's heart might have a defect in it yesterday. Today I needed to go to Children's Hospital in Boston to have a Fetal Echo Cardiogram done to see what they saw.
Well they revealed to us that everything seemed to be OK right now. Since I am 38 weeks and term, it was hard to see all aspects of the heart; BUT they did not see what the other ultrasounds techs saw. They thought he might have HypoPlastic Left Heart Sydrome which is a very rare heart disease, so we were thankful for them not finding that.
But, they could not see a very important part of the Aorta so when he is born on the 27th he will need to have an echo cardiogram to see the aorta and if that part of the aorta is defected he will need surgery almost right away. I am soooooo thankful that I live in Boston where there is a level 3 NICU hospital and I am having the baby with a level 2 NICU.
I will let you know what happens if you would like.


Lori said...

oh no Melissa... that is tough to deal with! many thoughts and prayers that he will be fine

Pam said...

I am so sorry! I will be praying for everything to go well and baby to be fine.

Amanda-The Family News! said...

I am over from Lori's blog. Praying for you...

When I was pregnant with my first child (boy), the U/S tech thought she saw a problem and I was referred to a specialist for more in depth U/S...they found nothing and when my son was born he was 100% fine! i pray the same for you!

Honey Mommy said...

Good luck!
I hope everything goes well.