Monday, November 17, 2008


Trying to get a schedule established is very difficult. Nicholas likes to cluster feed during the day which means he eats a few oounces every few hours durung the day but then at night he wiill go a little longer like 4 hours!

Sonia is accepting Nicholas better than I thought she would. She does give us some hard times like wanting attention and doing "bad" things to get us to "notice" her. She has finally started to sleep in her own bed though. I still need to lie down with her but that is fine. Rich and I finally have our bed back even if it is only until around 4 or 5 in the morning!!!


Lori said...

schedules are hard when they are young.. Colby still isn't on one for the most part

Glad to hear that you are getting some sleep at night and that Sonia is doing well with Nicholas

Pam said...

I'm glad things are going well for the most part. Good luck as you continue to learn to be a family together!