Sunday, April 20, 2008

Weather in New England

Well, yesterday we had a BEAUTIFUL day here in Massachusetts. It reached almost 80 degrees. We were outside playing and running around with our friends at their house. Sonia was having a great time with my friends son Derek. They were pushing around trucks and riding on toy cars it was GREAT!! We were all wearing shorts and wearing sunscreen and then 5:00 hit and it started getting COLD!! We left and went to my sisters house for a BBQ and we were all FREEZING because when the weather drastically changes from about 80 to 60 that is pretty cold. But we still had a great time regardless. Sonia got to play with her 6 cousins and swing on the swings. It was a great night. We did not get home until around 8:45 and Sonia was BEAT!! She fell right to sleep.


Pam said...

That does sounds like a great day. There weather here was very nice too. I love those warm days where you get to play and hang out outside.

Lori said...

sounds like you had a great day... hope the weather stays warm for you now