Thursday, April 10, 2008

Potty Training

Sonia is just about done with potty training THANK GOD!! She only wears pullups at night and during naptime at school. It is just so funny that she still wants me to go to the bathroom with her AND help her wipe. She is very funny and when she has an accident; she just puts her hands up and so "awwwwwwwww I peed mommy"


Lori said...

glad she is doing well! she will get the whole thing soon.. I know it

Pam said...

Good for her! Yeah! I am still working on getting my (just turned) 4 year old to not wet the bed at night. I feel like she should be able to make it at night, but she doesn't. I hope I am not expecting too much. Anyway...enough of me! Good for your precious one!