Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Patience is a vertue

Well, I am pregnant again. Now with a 3 year old running around. The first time being pregnant was well FUN in a sort of way. Now with a 3 year old running around I find my patience is NOT as good as is used to be. I don't know if it is just hormonal or what ; but poor Sonia and Rich sometimes because they get the brunt of my impatience. I find myself getting more aggrevated at Sonia and saying things that I really don't mean. I do appologize to her but I know that she does not understand why mommy is different I guess.
Please any suggestions would be helpful.


Lori said...

it is hard, and I'd expect even harder with you since you are working and taking care of Sonia and pregnant.

I found sometimes I had to take a step back, think and then speak. When in doubt take it out on Rich... at least you can explain to him that it's hormones etc...

hope it gets better soon!

Pam said...

it is so hard. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to be perfect. The good news is they won't really remember all these 'tired' mommy times. I have the same problem being a working mommy to a 4 year old and an almost 1 year old. The fog is starting to clear and I am feeling more 'myself'. But I have terrible guilt that I have not been patient enough and I have barked far more then I should.

I think we mommy's expect so much from ourselves and at times we just need to step back and not try to do it all. I know I have a hard time accepting that I can't do everything.

Hand in there!

workingmommy said...

Thanks! It is hard and yes I do take it out on Rich and explain it is hormones. But I still feel guilty but I know it will get better I HOPE!!!!

Jen said...

I have the exact same problem with Maya and I'm not even pregnant. I really have to breathe and remember she's only 3 1/2. I also send up a lot of prayers asking for patience. I'm sure if my hubby was here (not in Iraq) he'd be getting it from me too.

Maybe you can step back and call someone when it gets bad. I have a friend that has a daughter 6 months older than mine and we're going through the same thing. Sometimes it's nice just to have someone that understands without even having to explain.