Tuesday, October 11, 2011

weight loss challenges and triumphs

Well I got diagnosed with Diabetes in late August! Can you say WAKE UP CALL I am only 38 years old!!! Well right away I started to cut down on all my carb intake and ate more healthy veggies and foods. I stopped drinking soda of all kinds. I occaisionally have a Coke Zero but that is only for special occasions. When I went to see my nutritionist about 2 weeks after I was diagnosed, I had already lost 7 lbs! That was awesome! My nutritionist is linked to my DR's office so she saw what my weight was 2 weeks earlier. Now about a month and a half later I am down 16lbs and am almost in the 100's.

1 comment:

Lori said...

sometimes we need a neon sign to see the things we need to see most. glad things are working out for you