Monday, August 4, 2008

Well, working with my daughter Sonia in my classroom has not turned out to be such a good idea. She has finally moved over to her permanent classroom thank goodness. I was beginning to get extremely aggrevated at her and I didn't want to do that. She still sometimes cries for me but as we teachers know, you just need to walk away even though it is HARD!!!
She has started to come into our bed at night and I DID NOT WANT IT BUT when you are pregnant and do NOT want to get up and struggle with a 3.5 year old at 3:00 in the morning I say I will deal with it later. I hope that will be true because I do not want her in our bed. She ahs been sleeping in her bed and coming in around 5:00 or 6:00 that is better than 1 0r 2 I guess.


Lori said...

hope things get better once she is settled into her new room

workingmommy said...

Me toooo